Ester.Finance Weekly R&D Report (5.30–6.06)

2 min readJun 8, 2021
Ester.Finance Weekly Report #2

Happy Tuesday! Following a successful week of developments, we are proud to bring you the second weekly report regarding R&D for Ester. We follow up last week’s report with increased platform traffic and additional exposure through platforms such as CoinGecko. What a week we’ve had and we’d like to share some highlights below including a rise in our TVL from the previous high of $2.85 Million and an AMA with FTM Alerts (See our next article for the summary).

Ester Finance (5.30–6.06)Roundup

TVL: $4,280,000 (66.58% Increase)

Total EST Supply: 894,668.171 EST

Distributed Market Value: $1,650,000

Current EST Vaults: 22 Vaults + EST Staking

EST Vaults:

EST Staking:

Current Highest Yield Vault: Stake FTM/BOO LP in our Auto-compound Vault

I. Technical Developments

  1. New LP vaults continue to be added- Including FTM/LINK, FTM/AAVE, FTM/SNX, Get ready for more of those juicy auto-compounding rewards!
  2. Backend support — All site data is now directly derived from our backend ensuring a smoother experience.
  3. Updated User Stake Options- We completed the change to allow visualization of only vaults users are staked in .

II. Ongoing Research Directions

  1. Additional Exposure to AMMs for EST — We are reaching out and establishing connections with various AMMs to create additional EST pools, We’re looking forward to bringing EST to the top AMMs in the field!
  2. Display Tokens by Filter — Working on an implementation of a toggle to filter out different tokens.
  3. Complete Withdraw — Finishing off adjustments to harvest all tokens rather than leaving the next block rewards that come in during the transaction hash.

III. Community Developments

We strive to bring our community the best auto-compounding yield optimizer on Fantom. We continue to rise above our previous number of 20,000 Ester members and are going strong in our push to bring additional DeFi investors into the world of EST. Additional EST use cases will begin to be implemented and will result in greater exposure to a community-governed protocol.

Total Discord Members: 22,000

Total Twitter Followers: 20,860

About Ester Finance

Ester.Finance is a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Yield Optimizer project on the Fantom Opera Blockchain. Ester can make you earn more crypto with crypto. Through a set of smart contracts and several investment strategies, Ester.Finance automatically maximizes the user rewards from various liquidity pools (LPs), automated market making (AMM) projects, and other yield farming opportunities in the DeFi ecosystem.

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Docs :

EST Address: 0x181f3f22c9a751e2ce673498a03e1fdfc0ebbfb6




Ester.Finance is a Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Yield Optimizer project on the Fantom Opera Blockchain.